In “Doctrine & Covenants: Beyond Come Follow Me”, I tell the Church history stories that relate to this week’s Come Follow Me lessons. Knowing what was going on in Church history at the time, and what Joseph was praying for, can really help the revelations come to life, and help them become applicable to our own lives.
D&C 137-138: Visions of the Spirit World
D&C 125-128: Baptisms for the Dead
D&C 109-110: Kirtland Temple Dedication
D&C 94-97: Building the Kirtland Temple
D&C 88: Indexing Challenge Completed
D&C 84: A Virtual Tour of the Priesthood Restoration Site
D&C 77-80: The Tar & Feathering of Joseph
D&C 58-59: Announcements, Blessings, and Virtual Tours
D&C 51-57: A Place For The Temple
D&C 46-48: Gifts of the Spirit
D&C 30-36: I hope They Call Me on a Mission
D&C 23-26: Emma Smith: An Elect Lady
D&C 18-19: The Printing of the Book of Mormon
D&C 14-17: The Three Witnesses
D&C 12-13: Upon You My Fellow Servants